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1.366 library_records found

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Kết quả lọc
  • Export Performance and Trade Facilitation Reform

    The authors estimate the impact of aggregate indicators of “soft” and “hard” infrastructure on the export performance of developing countries. They build four new indicators for...

  • FDI sector faces shortage of skilled labour

    Webpage indicates that Vietnam is suffering from shortage of skilled labour, thus impacting FDI.

  • Developing smart cities in Vietnam

    During the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), building smart cities is a trend deployed by cities around the world to solve urban problems. Recently, a number of...

  • Van Don special economic zone must be superior: Deputy PM

    The special preferential policies for Van Don Special Economic Zone must make it superior to the country’s existing economic zones and on par with similar models in the region...


    Quang Ninh planned to turn Van Don into a start-up and business hub of the China – ASEAN business corridor, and by 2050 an investment center and growth engine for Vietnam’s...

  • ASEAN Guidelines for Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Development and Collaboration

    To help policy makers address these challenges, the Guidelines below outline good policy practices for SEZ policies in ASEAN.

  • KrisEnergy annual report 2017

    The KrisEnergy 2017 annual report was structured with the overall review, financial review, portfolio and technical review, governance and sustainability report. According to...

  • Safeguarding People and the Environment in Chinese Investments

    The aim of this guide is to help civil society organizations and community advocates gain an improved understanding of Chinese investors and China-led finance institutions and...

  • Reckless Development: The IFC’s Dodgy Deals in Southeast Asia

    Report on financial chain mapping on financiers of infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia.

  • Inequality of Opportunity in Asia and the Pacific: Child Nutrition

    The fourth in the series of Inequality of Opportunity in Asia and the Pacific policy papers (following Education, Decent Work, Clean Energy), this paper highlights why it is...

  • Inequality of Opportunity in Asia and the Pacific: Water and Sanitation

    The fifth in the series of Inequality of Opportunity in Asia and the Pacific policy papers (following Education, Decent Work, Clean Energy and Childrens Nutrition) , this paper...

  • ASIAN ECONOMIC INTEGRATION REPORT 2015: How can special economic zones catalyze economic development?

    Special economic zones (SEZs) can play a catalytic role in economic development, provided the right business environment and policies are put in place. In Asia, SEZs can...

  • Báo cáo Kết quả công tác bảo vệ thực vật năm 2016 và các Nhiệm vụ trọng tâm năm 2017

    Một số thành tựu chính: Toàn ngành thực hiện tốt công tác dự tính, dự báo và phòng trừ sinh vật gây hại trên phạm vi toàn quốc đã khống chế được sự phát sinh gây hại của các lo...

  • Báo cáo sơ kết 5 năm thực hiện Đề án tái cơ cấu ngành nông nghiệp theo hướng nâng cao giá trị gia tăng và phát triển bền vững

    - Báo cáo gồm 2 phần: - Phần 1. Đánh giá tình hình thực hiện cơ cấu lại ngành nông nghiệp: các thành tựu đạt được: - Cơ cấu lại nền nông nghiệp đang bộc lộ nhiều hạn chế, yếu...

  • Ngành thủy sản phấn đấu đạt kim ngạch xuất khẩu trên 10,5 tỷ USD năm 2019

    Năm 2019, tình hình thế giới, khu vực được dự báo sẽ tiếp tục diễn biến phức tạp, khó lường; kinh tế thế giới tiếp tục phục hồi tăng trưởng, chiến tranh thương mại giữa các nước...

  • UN Webpages for the MDGs

    UN Webpages for MDGs 2, 4, and 6.

  • SDG Goals

    Contains archived webpages for the SDGs. Archives were taken on June 4, 2019.

  • Country Review Report of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

    Review by Lebanon and Italy of the implementation by Vietnam of articles 15 – 42 of Chapter III. “Criminalization and law enforcement” and articles 44 – 50 of Chapter IV....

  • Signature and Ratification Status

    UNODC signature and ratification status webpage for the UN Convention against Corruption. This is an archive of a website that was taken on June 3, 2019.

  • Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform

    UN Webpage that contains information regarding SDG 16. Includes all of the targets and indicators for SDG 16.

You can also access this registry using the Giao diện lập trình ứng dụng (see Văn bản API).