Thống kê về giới ở Việt Nam đến năm 2020
Cuốn sách trình bày số liệu thống kê về giới theo nhiều chủ đề khác nhau, như: Dân số, gia đình, giáo dục, y tế, lao động và việc làm, lãnh đạo và quản lý. Thông tin và số liệu ...
Đánh giá quốc gia về giới trong khu vực nông nghiệp và nông thôn ở Việt Nam
Đánh giá quốc gia về giới (CGA) do Tổ chức Nông lương Liên hợp quốc (FAO) tổ chức từ tháng 10 năm 2017 đến tháng 2 năm 2018 nhằm đánh giá tiến bộ của Việt Nam trong việc đạt đượ...
Political Change, Women’s Rights, and Public Opinion on Gender Equality in Myanmar
The findings of the research imply that tendencies in public opinion provide a resource for Burmese nationalist groups and politicians and an obstacle to activists seeking...
Mekong Women in Open Data
Gender inequality underscores the lives of women all over the world. It is rooted in systems of governance and cultural norms that function to perpetuate this inequality. The...
Women Migration and Women's Land Tenure Security in the greater Mekong sub-region
This report considers the interlinkages between migration, gender, and land tenure. The study on which the report is based explored how migration affects women’s land tenure...
Human Development Report 2020
The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone. The...
CARE Rapid Gender Analysis COVID-19 Lao P.D.R (July 2020)
This analysis report explains the fact of gender roles, relations and norms within lao society of the measures such as lockdown, closure of school, social distancing, and travel...
Women and Land Rights in Lao PDR (June 2020)
This report presents the status of practicing women's land rights through both formal and customary systems and their relations intertwine. women's knowledge about their own...
Đánh giá tác động kinh tế xã hội của đại dịch COVID-19 đối với hộ gia đình và doanh nghiệp dễ bị tổn thương ở Việt Nam Phân tích có tính tới yếu tố giới
Báo cáo đánh giá, tập trung vào những người dễ bị tổn thương nhất và không để ai bị bỏ lại phía sau, bổ sung cho nỗ lực về đánh gia tác động của COVID-19 đối với các chỉ số kinh...
The Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Act 1957
The Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Act 1957
Rapid Gender Analysis during COVID-19 Pandemic: Mekong Sub-Regional Report
This unprecedented crisis unfolds against many existing challenges including persistent gender inequalities, existing inequalities in access to health, weak health...
Country Gender Assessment for Lao PDR: Reducing Vulnerability and Increasing Opportunity
This assessment synthesizes information and findings from recent literature and research on gender issues in Lao PDR for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank’s...
Indidenous Women in decisions making training of trainner
This documents had translate form english handbook conducted by AIPP, supported by UNDP, This handbook had developed into target of 3 ethnics group as: Hmong, Khamu and Khatang
Lower Mekong Initiative Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Policy Dialogue
This archived web page of archived content is a fact sheet on the US's commitments to gender in the Lower Mekong Region.
Integrating gender in transitions to renewable energy in the Lower Mekong Region
This is a discussion brief on integrating gender into renewable infrastructure development in the Lower Mekong Region.
Water and Gender
This is an archived webpage on the connection between gender and water.
Coping with resettlement: A livelihood adaptation analysis in the Mekong River basin
A major driver of change in the Mekong River basin relates to hydropower development and the consequent changes in landscape and natural resource access regime that it induces....
Gender, Climate Change and Health
There is now strong evidence that the earth’s climate is changing rapidly, mainly due to human activities. Increasing temperatures, sea-level rises, changing patterns of...
Gender (in)Equality in the Governance of Myanmar: Past, Present, and Potential Strategies for Change
This research report discusses the importance of gender equality of participation in governance, past and currents levels of participation in Myanmar, and current actions being...
Gender Equality and Women's Rights in Myanmar: A Situation Analysis Report
This gender situation analysis spotlights women’s activities and shows the way for their maximum contribution in the socioeconomic development of Myanmar through newly installed...
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