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5.999 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Agricultural sector strategic development plan 2014-2018

    A strategic development plan to implement the goals of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), 2014-2018. A policy objective of MAFF is to "increase the...

  • End of the line, impacts of resettlement under the railways project in Phnom Penh

    Close to 4,000 households have, or will be, affected by the project to rehabilitate Cambodia's railways; over a quarter of these require relocation. This report highlights...

  • Casinos in border towns in the Mekong Sub-Region

    This article outlines the development of casinos in border towns in the Mekong sub-region, with particular focus on casinos on the Cambodia/Vietnam border. The increased...

  • Cambodia. Industrial development policy 2014-2024, first draft as of 11 March 2014

    This draft industrial development policy is intended to become a new growth strategy that promotes development to reach higher income and fully realised potential, especially...

  • 2008 General population census plan of Cambodia

    This document provides a plan for conducting a population census in Cambodia in March 2008, completing most of the data processing by the middle of 2009, and analyzing and...

  • Kamako Chhnoeum Program findings from September 1st to October 28th, 2013

    "The International Labour Organisation’s Better Factories Cambodia program (BFC) launched Kamako Chhnoeum (Outstanding Worker) on September 1, 2013. The system is available for...

  • Hubs and spokes emerging patterns of intra-Mekong trade and investment

    This working paper analyses intra-Mekong trade and investment. The author argues that new patterns of trade relationship are emerging which can be likened to hubs and spokes, in...

  • Low cost, low tech disaster proof shelter

    From the foreword: "Shelter rehabilitation after disaster is one of the most expensive humanitarian interventions. According to data collected by PIN, the average cost estimates...

  • Improving secondary education through institutional innovation: a report to UNDP and UNICEF

    Records the findings of a mission to Cambodia sponsored by the UNDP and UNICEF in August 2006. The objective was to assess the present state of education in Cambodia and make...

  • Overview, rice production in Cambodia

    An overview of rice production in Cambodia, describes the climate, seasons, soil conditions and land use, and the distribution of rice paddies. Rice agro-ecological systems are...

  • Cambodia enters the WTO: Lessons learned for least developed countries

    Outlines Cambodia’s entry to the World Trade Organisation and the lessons for other least developed countries. The Government of Cambodia applied for accession to the World...

  • The experience and the meaning of hypoglycemia to Cambodian diabetes patients: A qualitative study conducted in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    This study examines the experience and the meaning of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) to Cambodian diabetes patients in cooperation with a local NGO—MoPoTsyo— which provided...

  • A study of Japanese official development assistance (ODA) for educational development in post genocide Cambodia

    This thesis aims to investigate whether Japanese foreign aid to Cambodian educational development is truly being positive peace or whether it can be said to be an indirect cause...

  • International religious freedom report for 2013 - Cambodia

    The annual report to Congress on international religious freedom – the International Religious Freedom Report – describes the status of religious freedom in every country. The...

  • Myanmar rises

    An article about Myanmar's rice sector and relationship with the International Rice Research Institute. The article describes a meeting with Myanmar President U Thein Sein and...

  • Hierarchy of laws in Cambodia

    This fact sheet provides an overview of the hierarchy of laws in Cambodia and highlights the fact that legal instruments are often misused, thereby jeopardizing the principle of...

  • Impunity in Cambodia

    A briefing on the topic of impunity in Cambodia. The brief outlines how impunity in Cambodia varies from murder cases of human rights activists and journalists that are never...

  • Children in the Cambodian criminal justice system

    This brief assesses the current state of the juvenile justice system in Cambodia against international standards. The first section provides an outline of the international and...

  • Discrimination against LGBT people in the Cambodian legal framework

    A brief about discrimination against LGBT people in the Cambodian legal framework. The first section introduces the way sexual orientation and gender identity is perceived in...

  • Fact sheet: Applicability of international human rights law in Cambodia

    This fact sheet provides an overview of the applicability of the main sources of international human rights law in the Cambodian legal system. The fact sheet covers Jus Cogens...