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35 library_records found

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Kết quả lọc
  • The State of Food and Agriculture 2022: Leveraging Automation in Agriculture for Transforming Agrifood Systems

    This report dives deep into a reality of agriculture: the sector is undergoing profound technological change at an accelerating pace. New technologies, unimaginable just a few...

  • Hồ sơ Nông nghiệp số Việt Nam

    Công nghệ số đang dần lan rộng trong các lĩnh vực nông nghiệp trên toàn cầu. Nhưng việc áp dụng chúng bị cản trở bởi sự phân chia kỹ thuật số đòi hỏi nguồn đầu tư công đáng kể, ...

  • Bridging the gap: How to get climate services to farmers

    This booklet presents the methodologies used by the project “Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to improve adaptation to climate change and...

  • Pyrethroid Insecticide Exposure in School-Aged Children Living in Rice and Aquacultural Farming Regions of Thailand

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Drivers of deforestation? Facts to be considered regarding the impact of shifting cultivation in Asia

    This document examines issues surrounding shifting cultivation, including: -Key findings of research on shifting cultivation, underpinning the dire need to earnestly consider...

  • Thông tin tóm tắt: Nông nghiệp Việt Nam

    Tầm quan trọng của việc cải thiện hệ thống nông nghiệp của Việt Nam dọc theo tất cả các bộ phận của chuỗi giá trị đang ngày càng phát triển. Điều này đang ngày càng mở ra thị tr...

  • Báo cáo ngành trồng trọt tại Việt Nam năm 2017

    Ngành trồng trọt là ngành sản xuất chủ yếu của sản xuất nông nghiệp. Ở nước ta hàng năm ngành trồng trọt còn chiếm tới 75% giá trị sản lượng nông nghiệp (theo nghĩa hẹp). Sự phá...

  • Rice: The fabric of life in Laos

    A report about the challenges and achievements of the rice sector in Laos. The report covers the challenge of establishing a reliable supply of rice in Laos, the challenges of...

  • Agrarian land-use transformation in northern Laos

    Farmers in northern Laos have been experiencing a rapid transformation from subsistence agricultural production to intensive cash crop cultivation over the last decade....

  • Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ in Asia

    The international debate on REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable management of forests and...

  • Mission report: Participatory monitoring & evaluation and on-farm research, IUARP LAOS

    This report covers a mission conducted during the period May 4 to May 12, 2002 for the Integrated Upland Agricultural Research Project (IUARP), Luang Prabhang Province, Laos.

  • Stable forest cover under increasing populations of swidden cultivators in central Laos: The roles of intrinsic culture and extrinsic wildlife trade

    The purpose of this research is to attempt to quantitatively confirm or refute a qualitative impression of sustainability of swidden cultivation in Nakai-Nam Theun national...

  • Rice contract farming in Lao PDR: Moving from subsistence to commercial agriculture

    Poverty is prevalent among small farms in transition economies such as the Lao PDR, where market failures prevail and subsistence production is the norm. Contract farming is...

  • Community forest management in Lao PDR and India February 2010

    Community forest management in Lao PDR and India February 2010

  • Guidelines for the establishment of participatory aquatic resource management regulations

    Guidelines for the establishment of participatory aquatic resource management regulations

  • Study of farmer experiences and approaches with mechanised dry direct seeding in Savannakhet province 2016

    In-depth case study of a series of households that began use of mechanized seeding, measuring impact on agricultural output.

  • Agricultural change in Lao PDR: Pragmatism in the face of adversity

    This thesis examines current agricultural systems in Xieng Ngeun District, in Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR and the economic and agrarian transition occurring at individual,...

  • Technical booklet 7 demonstrating agricultural land use practices in the uplands, September 2001

    Agricultural Land Use Plans” are prepared with families who have been allocated parcels of agricultural land in the “village agricultural zone” with the aim of...

  • Plan of action for disaster risk reduction and management in Agriculture (2014―2016) 2014

    Based on the high commitment to promote the shift towards proactive disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM), MAF has initiated an interactive DRRM consultation process in...

  • Collaborative Governance improves management effectiveness of Hin Nam No National protected area in central Lao PDR 2016

    According to IUCN’s instructions, the described ‘building blocks’ were formulated to try to follow a logical sequence and make parts of the ‘solution’...

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