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12.413 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Facilitating agreements for community–private sector partnerships in forest landscapes in Lao PDR

    This book is a guidance to help practitioners facilitate partnership agreements for the sustainable trade of forest products and/or services in the context of forest landscape...

  • Notification on the Implementation of the Order to Increase Measures to Prevent, Control, Prevent and Resolve the COVID-19 outbreak in Vientiane capital, No. 012/NTC.VC

    This notification identifies 3 main measures such as Continuation Measures, Mitigation Measures, and Measures against Violators of Order No. 595 /PMO, which is implemented only...

  • Extended implementation of measure and prevention, control, containment and responses to COVID-19,No. 595/PMO (05-19 June 2021)

    Government notification on COVID-19 restrictions and some relaxed measures from 5 to 19 June 2021

  • River Networks of Myanmar

    A geospatial dataset mapping river systems of Myanmar. Attributes include: name of river, name of basin, name of sub-basin, Strahler number.

  • Myanmar Reservoirs

    Vector layer (polygons) of reservoirs identified in Myanmar from dam point dataset.

  • Yangon Bus Service Public Data

    This is version 0.1.14 of the Yangon Bus Service Public Data shared by Yangon Regional Transport Authority (YRTA)

  • Myanmar - Cities and Town Location with Population

    Data collected and organized as input to the geospatial least-cost planning for universal electricity access by 2030 as part of the the project funded by the World Bank for...

  • Special Economic Zones and Land Dispossession in The Mekong Region

    Special economic zones (SEZs) have become a one-size-fit-all policy solution for governments eager to expand their industrial economy. Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and...

  • Government Policy to reduce call balance for users during the COVID-19

    Telecommunications service providers (telecommunications regulators) ordered telecommunications companies a 15% discount to users for all types of services (landline, cordless,...

  • Electricity generation plants

    This dataset shows the 17 locations of electricity generation plants in 4 categories: hydropower plants, heavy fuel power plants, coal plants and plants using wood and other...

  • Transmission lines in Cambodia (1999-2014)

    This dataset describes the information of transmission lines for each of Cambodia’s province from 1999 to 2014. The data was collected from many sources by ODC’s mappers such as...

  • Seventh draft law on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

    EIA draft laws aims to establish mechanisms for environmental impact assessments caused by all development projects. The draft law consists of 14 chapters with a total of 96...

  • OMNI Kampot Development CO., Ltd

    This screenshot document is about a brief information of OMNI Kampot Development CO., Ltd , and other information includes the company's type, place of registration, chairman,...

  • CHING KOR Import Export Co., Ltd.

    This screenshot document is about a brief information of CHING KOR Import Export Co., Ltd., and other information includes the company's type, place of registration, chairman,...

  • PAPA Petroleum Co., Ltd

    This screenshot document is about a brief information of PAPA Petroleum Co., Ltd, and other information includes the company's type, place of registration, chairman, company...

  • Landfill Sites in Thailand

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  • Earthquake Disaster Areas in Thailand

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Global Lakes and Wetlands Database

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Lao Population and Education 2019

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Distribution of Seamounts within Myanmar's Maritime Limits

    This shape file shows the distribution of Seamounts within Myanmar’s maritime limits. Seamounts are large submarine volcanic mountains rising at least 1,000 m above the...

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