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12.414 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Corruption Perception Index 2016

    A snapshot of Transparency International's annual Corruption Perception Index (CPI), showing the raw index scores of the countries. Source:...

  • Chain Saws Act, B.E. 2545 (2002)

    The reason for the proclamation of this Act at the present time is for the conservation of, and to maintain, the current Forest resources, especially through the prevention and...

  • The Twelfth National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021)

    In formulating the Twelfth Plan, the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) adhered to the 20-year National Strategy framework (2017-2036), the...

  • Myanmar Census Atlas

    The Atlas attempts to present a broader picture of the population as a whole over a wide range of topics, such that the geography of the Census – the way that different...

  • Union Election Commission Strategic Plan 2014-2018: Working together with stakeholders towards successful and credible elections

    The strategic plan includes vision, mission and guiding principles, measurable strategic goals and objectives. Issues and assumptions have been identified and solutions to...

  • Stronger forest and farm producers’ groups can help deepen Myanmar democracy

    The briefing is about the role of stronger forest and farm producers’ groups in promoting the democratization in Myanmar. This could be successfully implemented through two...

  • Dengue deaths, cases rise in Myanmar

    This article gives an update on the current dengue situation in Myanmar.

  • The State of Local Governance: Trends in Yangon

    This report sets out to map the state of affairs and the evolution over the past years with regards to governance reform in Yangon Region. It endeavours to provide background...

  • Myanmar floods situation update #3

    This is a situation update on the floods in Myanmar in August 2018.

  • The Human Cost of Energy Chevron's Continuing Role in Financing Oppression and Profiting from Human Rights Abuses in Military-Ruled Burma (Myanmar)

    This report documents Chevron’s ongo-ing role in financing the military regime in Burma (Myanmar) and profiting from human rights abuses on the Yadana nat-ural gas...

  • The role of civil society in promoting democracy, good governance, peace and national reconciliation in Myanmar

    This thesis is a qualitative study investigating and analyzing the role of civil society (CS) in promoting democracy, good governance, peace and national reconciliation in...

  • Forest policies in Asia – a regional synthesis

    Historically, the main objective of forest management was timber production. Although forest policies and forest management objectives diversified and expanded long before the...

  • Final Report of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State

    The final report of the Advisory Commission chaired by Kofi Annan puts forward recommendations to surmount the political, socio-economic and humanitarian challenges that...

  • National Forest Policy Review: Thailand

    Forestry policies do not last long and lack continuity. Some problems are solved temporarily but emerge again in the future. If policies are not incorporated into the national...

  • Extreme weather events in developing countries and related injuries and mental health disorders - a systematic review

    Due to climate change, extreme weather events have an incremental impact on human health. Injuries and mental health disorders are a particular burden of disease, which is...

  • Data quality and timeliness of outbreak reporting system among countries in Greater Mekong subregion: Challenges for international data sharing

    Cross-border disease transmission is a key challenge for prevention and control of out- breaks. Variation in surveillance structure and national guidelines used in different...

  • Climate change knowledge portal

    In an effort to serve as the hub for climate-related information, data, and tools, the World Bank (WB) created the Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP). The Portal provides an...

  • Global health observatory data repository. Basic and safely managed drinking water services

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • State of the Basin report 2018

    This State of the Basin Report 2018 assesses conditions within the Mekong basin and the impacts, both positive and negative, that developments and use of the water and related...

  • Climate and health country profiles 2015: a global overview

    To protect health from risks derived from climate change, decision-makers (going from national leaders to individual citizens) need access to the best information possible on...

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