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62 laws_records found

Chuyên đề: Economic policy and administration Search Result For: laws_record

Kết quả lọc
  • Prakas on liquidity risk management framework for banking and financial institutions

    This Prakas is applicable to the institutions, under the National Bank of Cambodia's supervisory authority. The purpose is to set up a framework for liquidity risk management of...

  • Economic Policy of the Union of Myanmar

    The economic policy of the Union of Myanmar is people centered, and aims to achieve inclusive and continuous development. It aims to establish an economic framework that...

  • Overcoming as One: COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan-CERP

    In order to overcome the immediate negative impact of COVID-19, the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry has issued a comprehensive economic stimulus plan namely...

  • Circular​ on​ the​ implementation​ of​ the​ Law​ on​ financial​ management​ in​ 2021

    This​ circular​ aims​ to​ introduce​ to​ the​ public​ the​ budget​ plan​ for​ 2021,​ which​ is​ an​ effective​ tool​ of​ the​ Royal​ Government​ to​ prevent​ and​ reduce​ the​...

  • Law​ on​ Financial​ Management​ 2021 ​

    This​ law​ was​ developed​ for​ the​ budget​ management​ of​ 2021​ so​ that​ the​ collection​ of​ revenue​ for​ the​ national​ budget​ is​ effective​ in​ achieving​ investment​...

  • Economic diplomacy strategy 2021-2023

    This strategy is essential for Cambodia to further its economic integration into the region and the world in order to deepen bilateral and multilateral cooperation, diversify...

  • Guidelines on the Development of the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2021-2015)

    The purpose of this guideline is to instruct the governments to summarize areas of their works such as macro-economy, production and services, social and cultural field, rural...

  • Public​ Investment​ Management​ System​ Reform​ Strategy​ 2019​ –​ 2025

    This​ strategy​ aims​ to​ define​ a​ common​ conceptual​ framework​ for​ the​ establishment​ of​ a​ public​ investment​ management​ system​ from​ all​ sources​ (including​...

  • Guideline for Formulating the National Strategic Development Plan (2019-2023)

    This policy guideline indicates the priorities of the Royal Government of Cambodia directing their development of the National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023.

  • Sub-decree No. 88 on the implementation of the cash assistance program for poor and vulnerable families during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Sub-decree No. 88 on the implementation of the Cash Assistance Program for Poor and Vulnerable Families during the COVID-19 pandemic aims to provide support to stabilize the...

  • Sub-decree no.151 on scheduling, preparation and functioning of the economic census of the kingdom of Cambodia in 2021

    The economic census in Cambodia is set for March 1, 2021, the composition of the national census committee in the Kingdom of Cambodia 2021 shall be comprised of technical...

  • Decree on Controlled Concession List in Lao PDR

    This decree comprises of 8 articles, identified what is the controlled list of concession, and the role of each government unit who will take in charge of controlled list of...

  • The State-owned Economic Enterprises Law

    The State-Owned Economic Enterprises Law (enacted 1989) outlined that the government of Myanmar retains exclusive rights to conduct business in certain sectors. The law allows...

  • Law on insurance

    The purpose of this law is to determine insurance operations, protect the rights of parties to the insurance, manage the insurance business and contribute to the development of...

  • Quyết định số 407/QĐ-TCTK - Phương án điều tra thu thập thông tin về thực trạng kinh tế - xã hội của 53 dân tộc thiểu số năm 2015

    Điều tra thu thập thông tin về thực trạng kinh tế - xã hội của 53 dân tộc thiểu số năm 2015 nhằm các mục đích chính sau: Thứ nhất, thu thập thông tin về dân số, thu nhập, điều...

  • Sub-decree No. 147​ on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia

    This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.

  • Sub-decree No.149​ on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia

    This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.

  • Sub-decree No.27 on the Amendment the Article 1 of Sub-decree No.147​ on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia

    This Sub-decree is established to amend the Article 1 point 1.2 by removing Prince Norodom Ranariddh from the composition of​ Co-president of Council for Development of Cambodia.

  • Resolution on the 5-year Socio-Economic Development Plan of 2016 - 2020

    The resolution outlines the socio-economic development plan over 5 years from 2016-2020.

  • Joint Statement Between ASEAN and China on Further Deepening the Cooperation on Infrastructure Connectivity

    For the long-term cooperation and common prosperity of ASEAN and China, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, and in accordance with domestic laws and regulations, ASEAN and...

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