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12.456 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Community guide getting a fair deal from companies and investors

    "The purpose of this guide is to help your community decide if you want to share your community lands and natural resources with outside companies or investors. Some companies...

  • Viewpoint – The World Bank versus the World Commission on Dams

    A viewpoint article about dynamics between the World Bank Group (the Bank) and World Commission on Dams (WCD). The Bank has long resisted guidelines from reformers and the WCD...

  • Tonle Sap information guide (environmental education)

    A guide providing environmentally-focused information on the Tonle Sap Lake. Section one provides basic information and frequently asked questions. Section two covers protected...

  • Potential economic corridors between Vietnam and Lao PDR: Roles played by Vietnam (book chapter)

    Chapter three of the book "Emerging economic corridors in the Mekong region" (full book listed as a separate item). This chapter examines the current status of several corridors...

  • Economic sub-corridors and potentials for regional development in Lao PDR (book chapter)

    Chapter two of the book "Emerging economic corridors in the Mekong region" (full book listed as a separate item). Chapter two examines the interrelation between the development...

  • Thailand's commercial banks' role in financing dams in Laos and the case for sustainable banking

    This report discusses Thailand's banking system and their roles and responsibilities in hydropower development in the Mekong region and Laos. Commercial banks in Thailand are...

  • The Center for Khmer Studies: In focus No. 13, 2015-2016

    The Center for Khmer Studies supports research, teaching and public service in the social sciences, arts and humanities in Cambodia and the Mekong region. This annual...

  • Cambodian mental health survey (2012)

    This study reports on the first large-scale investigation of mental health in Cambodia. A randomized sample of 2690 adults from nine provinces was interviewed about mental...

  • Use of indigenous knowledge for conservation and development of fishing career at the Lampao Dam in northeast (Thailand)

    This study examines the development background of the Lampao Dam, Thailand, and the use of ingenious knowledge for conservation and development of fishermen’s careers. The area...

  • Progress report on transport and trade facilitation initiatives in the Greater Mekong Subregion

    A progress report on a project supporting implementation of the Action Plan for Transport and Trade Facilitation in the Greater Mekong Subregion. The report describes a number...

  • The risk of movement: Migration in Cambodia 2013

    A report exploring the risks faced by Cambodian migrants and their broader systemic context. The report gives an overview of migration for domestic work, forced marriage and...

  • Preserving the transboundary fish trade as a rural job source in Lao PDR, Cambodia and Thailand

    A policy brief outlining the economic and social significance of fish trading in Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. The brief summarises a Sustainable Mekong Research Network study...

  • Inland shipping development in Vietnam

    A presentation about the development of inland shipping in Vietnam. The presenter introduces the Vietnam Inland Waterway Administration (VIWA) and outlines their...

  • Sector assistance program evaluation on transport sector in Cambodia-focusing on results

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been the lead funding agency in the transport sector in Cambodia over the past two decades. This performance evaluation aims to assess ADB...

  • The situation of human rights defenders in Cambodia in 2014

    This briefing note assesses the situation of human rights defenders (HRD) in Cambodia in 2014, including restrictions on freedom of assembly and expression and other forms of...

  • Private sector views on road transport along the Yangon – Mandalay – Muse/Ruili – Kunming Corridor

    The report of a study on the Yangon-Mandalay-Muse/Ruili-Kunming Corridor, Myanmar’s principal artery for international trade. The authors provide a private sector view on...

  • Cross border infrastructure to maximize the benefits of GMS economic integration

    A presentation on cross-border infrastructure to maximize the benefits of GMS economic integration. The presenter discusses the socio-economic structure of GMS countries;...

  • Trade facilitation and connectivity, recent development and new challenges, Myanmar

    A presentation about trade facilitation and connectivity in Myanmar. The presenter discusser statistics for the transport sector, provides an update on the current situation of...

  • Status, issues and perspectives on road safety in South-East Asia region

    A presentation about perspectives on road safety in southeast Asia. The presenter provides background on the Decade of Action for Road Safety, and discusses crash statistics and...

  • Assessing socioeconomic impacts of transport infrastructure projects in the Greater Mekong Subregion

    This working paper attempts to quantify the links between infrastructure investment and poverty reduction using a multi-region general equilibrium model, supplemented with...

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